We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a live stream while we play-test 0.2.0. All times are in Pacific Standard Time (West Coast, USA).
Friday, January 13th, 2017.
8PM-9PM: Start a fresh save in 0.1.4 and make some progress to give the save updater a proper test.
9PM: Switch to 0.2.0 and load our 0.1.4 save file with the save updater.
9PM-11PM: Play through as much of 0.2.0 as we have time for.
11PM: I’m going to bed.
I will be fast-forwarding through most dialogue to get through as much of the game as I can. Until then, happy fapping ya’ll!
Link to the stream: http://picarto.tv/TashiHS2017
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