Haramase Simulator Status Update.

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let everyone know that we are currently wrapping up the next release of Haramase Simulator. I can’t give a firm release date at just this moment, as we have a few more bugs to crush before internal testing starts, but know that we are close.

So what’s in the update then?

Three Updated Characters:

Kurumi, Hayasaki, and Rumines have received additional content.

Two New Characters:

Stephanie, a masochist who long time player’s may have seen wondering around the pool in a previous release.
There is also Inari, and well, you’ll see once you’ve got the game.

Random Girl Engine:

Some new characters and new smut have been added to the Random Girl Engine.

Jobs Overhual:

The jobs in the game have been re-worked to include career paths.

In Game Updater:

We have setup an in game updater. This will allow us to easily push out smaller, more frequent releases. This will also affect how we string together our version number. The next release will be Bug fixes will occupy the last digit, minor content updates the third digit, and major updates the second digit.

Custom Character Creator:

The Custom Character Creator (CCC) is a system to allow anyone to create a Haramase Simulator character.  It has been designed to make any character made in it very easy to port into the full game. Gone are the days where someone joins the team to add a character and then fails to finish them. With this system if she isn’t complete, she isn’t in.  A more detailed post about this system will be published after the release of

Temporarily Removed Characters:
Beatrice and Kira have been temporarily removed from the game. Those who have followed the game for awhile may remember that they were originally written and posted to 4chan by an anon not related to the dev team. At this point significant re-work is planned for them and as such they have been pulled. They will be re-added to the game via a minor content update in the future.

That’s all for now.

Best Regards,

-The Harasim Dev Team.


72 thoughts on “Haramase Simulator Status Update.”

  1. When we download the newer version, does the older version data got deleted and we got to play it from the start?

    1. The save files are stored away from the game. Where depends on which OS you are using. The new version will detect your old save and update it. That’s for PC. I don’t know about Android as Booom works on that build.

      1. that’s bad news for who play this game in android :(. especially when getting the achievement, its so hard

  2. Nice to see you guys have kept working on it. Have not seen it on 4chan for months so been watching trello ever so often and have seen you guys working on it here and there. Sucks to see that you can’t have a patreon due to the fact you are using someone else work for pics and what not.

    Do you guys have a list of future plans for HS?

    1. Most future plans are either on our Trello or in our heads. As for Patreon, it would be a nightmare to split the money. So many different people have contributed varying amounts of code. It would cause more problems than it would solve.

      1. Yea i keep track of the trello just seeing if any other content i guess not there but drawing bored or thought wise.

        Yea to bad there is no donate or tipping. You all have put a good amount of time into what is pretty much freeware just wish there was a way to give back for the time you guys have put in. But if it is as many people as hinted working on yea i could see the problem with distributing funds… bummer.

  3. Tashi and the Harasim team Dev I am a normal person who plays too many hours on the cell I have played few games with good ideas but Haramase simulator is not a good idea I think it is a fantastic idea and the best thing I’ve played in my life so I’ve taken my airtime Or to thank the efforts that have given and motivate them to continue with the project Haramase simulator with my most sincere words thanks
    PD: I’m not english speaking so I apologize for my bad English

  4. i really love this game, cross platform (you know it’s hard to find erotic vn for linux), excellent game play, and very nice stories.
    keep the good works guys!!!

  5. Glad to see a update in on the way. As for bug smashing, Does one of those involve Misaki being in the hospital and at the suburbs during the same week?

    1. A week is 7 days long. It’s not unreasonable to assume she could be at both places.

  6. I really LOVE this game and thanks for you dev and team for you work.

    Please add more event for Ootori,Mashiro,and Hinako (I LOVE THEM ALL,HAYASAKI TOO),also thanks for Hayasaki event for next update i really LOVE with story event so romantic story with MC.


  7. They are out of wrapping paper, i repeat, They are out of wrapping paper haha sorry… keep the great work 😉

    1. Thnx, we’re wrapping up the last game breaking bugs. (Always happens when you merge all new work from everybody together :D)

  8. Hey the four items on the left in the store won’t register when I click it just clicks on the girl. Is there any way around it myself or do I need to wait for the updates. Keep up the good work tho!

    P.S. tried redownloading and installing


  9. help, I can’t buy anything from the shop beside “sound track” and “sweetnectar”

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