Hello everyone,
It seems that several places around the web are reporting this project abandoned. We want to assure our fans that this is not the case. We are still actively working on the game. Real life has caused some delays, new large features have caused others. As the number of developers on the team has grown, the difficulty of regular releases has grown along with it. But enough about our development hell, I’m sure ya’ll want to know what we’ve been up to.
So what’s this big new feature we’ve been hinting at on our Discord?
We are happy to announce the HFF Resort, a new explorable location in HaraSim.

Enjoy a tropical getaway to the luxurious HFF Resort. Unlike the main area of the game where time is passed in week long increments, at the resort time passes one day at a time. Will you pass your time tanning on the beach? Or perhaps stargaze at the observatory? No doubt you’ll stop by the massage parlor and let the staff there take care of you.
Marika Rena Sasha Katya
Above are the four new characters exclusive to the HFF Resort, we look forward to seeing how this new mechanic is received.
But what about the mainland? Surely we’ve done something there? Of course we have, and don’t call us Shirley.
For our Wincest fans, one of the newer members of the dev team, outkats, has worked with our resident incest lore-master, Methane, to add some people from the MC’s past to the game. For those not into that kink, they have alternate dialogue if you opt out of the incest option.
????? Kazumi
That’s all well and good, but what about older characters? Well guess what? You’re favorite Bartender is now within your reach! Not only her, but the Arcade Attendant as well!
Yurika Sybil
The Goddess of Fertility herself, Inari, also has some new surprises for you. But you’ll have to wait and see what she is up to, she’s being a bit coy about her plans.
There is one other character wandering the streets of HaraSim, I wonder what he is up to?
That about wraps up this love letter to the fans. There is one sad note we need to discuss though, and that is your saves. Due to the large number of changes it is highly unlikely that you will be able to bring your older saves into HaraSim 0.4. I know, it sucks, but the number of glitched saves we have dealt with recently has led us to believe that supporting old saves simply isn’t an effective use of our limited development time.
But I would hate to end this on a downer so…. Is that a new option on Michelle’s menu?

As always, thanks for playing, and happy fapping.
Can we fuck the Oracle yet?
Asking the real questions here
Does anyone know what vn is the red head from
is Shiori Arima, Heartful Maman fam…
check for yourself, just enter features:
@devs: *kowtow* please end our suffering, is unbearable. sigh, all those nice eggs that go to waste…
So, it’s been 7 months, any new news on this? We’d all love to know.
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So, which one is the MC’s mom?
Because according to the “My stats” page, the MC’s mom is called “Nishihara Fuuko”
I expecting a lot guys. You’re my favorite cellphone hentai game
Hope you are all doing fine, this game was always my favorite, and I was wondering about the slow updates. Either way, if you are having problems please take your time for health and personal things. I hope you are all ok. ?
How to unlock Alexis??
You must “work” with michelle , when michelle promise be your lover and fall love in you , work in lifesaver
Apk ready yet?
YES YES YES, Finally 3 years of waiting!
well there goes another two years without any updates …
It is beautiful to see how committed you are to the job, thank you very much for all that, take your time and try not to get overwhelmed
I check this website every 3-4 months or so TwT. Im happy I did it this month just to know that progress isnt dead. My favourite sim game, this is.
This is nice eroge game ever
Top 1
Wait for new update. ??????
Please update
I cant wait ??? for new update
Update please ???????
Good eroge game ever
When update
This game ia so good
Jual saja game ini
Saya yakin akan banyak pembelinya
Karena game ini sangat bagus
Disarankan pembayaran pake Paypal biar mudah
Agar game ini terus berkembang 🙂
Language indonesia
justru jalo metode paypal penjualan aga susah, jujur aja gak semua orang pake kredit card, mending kayak steam, ada pihak 2 kayak unipin / codashop, jadi orang yang gak punya kredit card bisa beli nih game
Pls updatw version..
This game is so good..
Ga perlu di jual mending di kembangin sendiri saja..
Kaga bisa dijual ni game karena assetsnya ga original
how long will we wait to download this new update ???
When update i canot wait ???????
no save transfer? oh well
Well, other 3 years of waiting ? just for an advise
Damn I just rediscovered this game after years, and I’m shocked to find out it’s still in development.
Keep it up devs, I’d love to see 0.4
Thank you very much for the hard work
Why don’t You do a discord and a Patreon to colaborate with your work?
Do you have a rough ETA as to when it might be? I’m not looking for a date, but it’s already been a month from this post. Another month, another few, etc.?
Ps que pongan un patreon y hay que donarle money para que no se desanimen los desarrolladores y tengan con que motivarse para que sigan actualizando y que todos les donemos. Algo
can u tell us when is the new update even if u just speculate it, at least we know when it is (maybe), cuz if we wanna play the game to wasting time waiting the upd, its became useless cause the save of old version cant be loaded in new version… just my thinking
Awesome guys, great work all around, I too know life gets in the way and you have to put stuff down for a bit, but appreciate you coming back and picking it up again. Looking forward (hopefully sooner rather than later) for next update.
Still wait xD
Cloud you please show me the list of all the characters’s name?
I’m really interseted in these original games.
Thank you !
Hopefully the dev team stay safe in these corona troubling times.
Since most of the world is under lockdown, maybe it’ll help you guys finish the game faster? Just a thought :p
still waiting for update <3
I played the latest version
when I start is so exciting but next the game play so monoton n I got bored,,,
especially for god that need 1000 pregnancy,
just to unlock bunny girl who need 200 pregnancy, very lazy to do it
hope next update will improve this game <3
sorry for bad eng
Hey at least you guys are safe keep doing god’s work and he will protecc you. All I want say is stay safe and make progress thank from the bottom of my degenarate weeb heart
Hey at least you guys are safe keep doing god’s work and he will protecc you. All I want say is stay safe and make progress thank from the bottom of my degenarate weeb heart
Need update before I get corona virus, and die…….=(
Also, how can I support development
Talking about old characters … What about the 2 sisters you guys took off?! If i remenber well you people said you need a better plot for them, still in WIP or you guys changed mind about it?
I’ll wait for the update inpatient, this game is the most best H-game.
Good Luck, ur make a great job.
Pls add more anal escenes with touko and more some girls, I think the game needs It xd
I would like too try the game out, and if i liked it enough, I might even donate, but the download is just a launcher that contains a downloader for the game that doesn’t even work.
IOERROR: [Errno url error] unknown url type : ‘https:’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “renpy/common/00updater.rpy”, line 328, in run
File “renpy/common/00updater.rpy”, line 376, in update
File “renpy/common/00updater.rpy”, line 700, in check_updates
urllib.urlretrieve(self.url, fn)
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 98, in urlretrieve
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 245, in retrieve
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 213, in open
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 364, in open_http
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 377, in http_error
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 671, in http_error_301
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 641, in http_error_302
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 667, in redirect_internal
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 210, in open
File “/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/urllib.py”, line 222, in open_unknown
IOError: [Errno url error] unknown url type: ‘https’
I was surprised to see Ichinose Ayako as Kazumi’s sprite in this upcoming update
Really great news but saves won’t work :/ …
Start the whole game again :/
U just need to enable dev mode and start grinding
Easy ??????
How to do it?
for fuck sake pls drop the new update played the game 100% im addicted to this shit
Pls update version for android
At least give us the status of the update por favor.
I was really looking forward to the update in two years, but I haven’t heard from you for three months. I want to turn the table upside down, but it’s my favorite game so I’m waiting today…
I’ve been doing the version for two years and three months.
Please update the game.
Love and really appreciate for all dev team, i was really waiting this update. 5* game ?
I love your work for the game
We just want u devs to know that we love this game but we DESPERATELY need a new update PLZ make it quick and fix the IO https error
Plz update soon i’m dying for this update ur gane is the best best game i’ve ever played
Can i ask if the MC and Hayasaki will break up? I’ve been wondering because of hayasaki’s last achievement which is Baby don’t hurt me,no more
Pls don’t break them up I’m really rooting for hayasaki and the MC
Anyway tnx for the hardwork❤
its already been 3 year since the last update came out. So I really hopping this upcoming update that Harem Girl and Side Girl menu is already full with new Girl. The important thing here is Oracle. I already prepared to encounter the curse to make Oracle can fertile again. Maybe that’s all I wanted to comment. Love your game and your game is the best Ero game ever I played, so keep it up!
just a suggestion, maybe you can tell us percentage of the update? so, we the fans can patiently wait for updates. but if you can’t tell us it’s ok.
I need the update!!!!!
Michelle( みしいる) was from honoo haramase this rather a good simulator but all of squeez game i still not played it vn until i finnish my current vn story it actually all of the squeez vn are in my pc and more on i familiar most of the character on here because i have actualy 200+ of visual novel in my computer all are eroge different genre tentacle, incest,mother,romance,pregnant
the game is dead?
Finally not release after 6 mounth
Still Waiting without any information
Hi guys I don’t want to know when the release will happen, I just wanted to know if you guys are still alive?
so what series is kazumi from
Dead Project, don’t waste your time.
After six months nothing i need more ;-;
Are you guys still alive?
No its not dead just they are not paid to do this for one and two its a hobby for them. The devs have real jobs and what not and go at their own pace and will release when they feel comfortable with the state of the build. They are more active in discord than the websites.
But I can’t see any activity in discord,im new anyway, did DISCORD have somewhat a privacy function?
note:sorry for bad language, and somehow loud begging! But we really begged for.
Or maybe anyone can teach me how to cheat/mod it on android? Especially numeric data editing to cheat the money,is enough,but if anyone greedy enough, stamina will do so. Thanks anyway
Love your games and hardwork, ganbatte kudasai!!!
Try to use console, but only work on pc. If you want to play on android, you can cheat money, stamina or sth you want and move save file to your phone
Chill out man. Ever heard something called Game Guardian?
is dev still alive?even short announcement of work in progress would be a relief for us but nothing now.
Dev: Yes
Still waiting for new update
Well there goes another year without update i’ve really looking for the update since you guy upload this article there so much interesting stuff
*is looking forward to H.S.’s next update*
I loved this game but it’s already been almost 1 year still no update.
I don’t want to be uneasy, but can you tell us for what’s left of you to complete the new version?
It’s been almost a year since.
It would be awesome if you guys made Miyu’s belly size be dependent on how many babies are in her. If she can be pregnant with 12+ babies, I want to see her with a huge belly, and maybe different dialogue. I understand this game is a work in progress, I just think this is a needed addition (at least for me :p). Keep up the good work!
Dont give us a hope just tell us if this abandoned
So after a year still no update, might as well call this project dead
It is a very excellent website. Please continue to develop.
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